Ooooh, gosh, now who doesn't want to win a ticket to this fabulous event? The Everything Primary Teaching Expo sounds fabulous and A Teacher's Treasure is giving away 3 tickets to 3 lucky people! I am hoping I am one of them! The Organizing and Arranging Daily Centers sounds fabulous to me and this is DEFINITELY an area I could use some assistance with-however, they all sound fabulous and I know I would benefit from all of the presentations! Click on A Teacher's Treasure for your chance to win! It ends tonight!
Laura from Peace, Love, & First Grade has 51 followers! She is having a giveaway that I feel sure you don't want to miss-a gift certificate to TpT! Those are great and useful for everybody! The giveaway ends Feb. 12.
Laura from Peace, Love, & First Grade has 51 followers! She is having a giveaway that I feel sure you don't want to miss-a gift certificate to TpT! Those are great and useful for everybody! The giveaway ends Feb. 12.
cool Im a kindergarten teacher new to this posts. I made a bilingual blog where i will share songs, fingerplays and projects I have done or translated both in English and Spanish please follow thanks. El kinder de Maestra Nieves