The answers to teachers concerns are right here! I was so excited to read about this wonderful First Grade Common Core workbook! You will be too, I feel sure! Just take a look:
With all the changes that are taking place with common core, this resource looks just fabulous! No longer will you spend hour upon hour looking for ideas and solutions to your students problems.....this book has it A-L-L! Go take a peek and check it out-I just know you will be thrilled you did! The company has books for Kindergarten and first grade-but don't worry, books for grades 2-5 are on their way! Hooray! ... [ - *Glitter Words*]
Heather's Heart: Bloggy Blessings Give Away: In February 2011, I started this blog and had NO IDEA what I was doing. I didn't stalk other blogs, comment on blogs or even post on my blog...
Third Grade All Stars: 200 Follower Giveaway: it BIG 200 follower giveaway. I know I'm not exactly at 200, but I'm so excited I had to start it early. I had so ...
Miss V's Busy Bees: Wait, TWO Giveaways?!: Okay, I know some of you have been patiently waiting for this post to come about.. well, here it is! I was contacted by ...
Heather's Heart: Bloggy Blessings Give Away: In February 2011, I started this blog and had NO IDEA what I was doing. I didn't stalk other blogs, comment on blogs or even post on my blog..
The Idea Backpack: Technology Tips Giveaway: So I am feeling a little technology overwhelmed, I think. I am excited to have access to technology with my students. I feel like blogging...
Technology Tailgate: GIVEAWAY!: We are so excited to announce a GIVEAWAY in honor of all the wonderful teachers who have been going above and beyond during these ...
Teachable Moments: Flash giveaway!: As I clicked on to blogger today, there it was looking at me. 250 followers! So in honour of this momentous occasion (dramatic I know) a fla...
Mommy & Me Creations: My 1st Blog Birthday!: Mommy & Me Creations is ONE! I cannot believe it. Time just seems to be going by so quickly. It seems like only yesterday; I was thin...