Hey friends, I want to apologize for not being a good blogger. I have really dropped the ball on this adventure and it is so not like me!
So far my class has started out perfectly! I have 21 precious Kindergarten students and I just love going to work each and every single day! On Friday we had our first field trip. We went to see Disney on Ice in Charlotte and it was fabulous! Well honestly I could have chocked the guy who escorted us to our seats. I had it all planned out or so I thought. On Thursday the parents came to the school to pick up their tickets. (I had 25 adults going to the show so that left me and my assistant 3 cuties to take care of-talk about an EASY field trip!) Anyway, back to the disaster part. I had written each students name on their ticket. Well wouldn't you know, when we entered the arena, of course that was the side of the ticket they tore off! All that planning out the door. So when the escort took us to our section, he said "I need seats P 5, P 8, etc. to come with me." I was like, "Look the kids don't know where their seats are, they are sitting with their parents." He persisted to only let the kids sitting in those seats to enter. It was a nightmare and I DID get his name! Anyway, after 10 minutes of me trying to explain to him the kids names were tore off the side of the ticket we finally got settled into our seats. The show was great, the kids loved it and their parents were wondeful!
Okay, so not to bore you anymore, I have run across some great givewaways and I wanted to share them with you all. Thank you for sticking around with me! I am going to try to do better with sharing what I love and that is teaching.

Ms. Fultz's Corner Birthday Giveaway. 50 dollar Amazon gift card and over 80 teaching resources. Ends October 26th!
Second Grade Smartypants: 350 Follower Giveaway!: Hello!!! We are so excited to have reached 350 followers! We ended up getting a little incredibly busy with school and our own kiddos an...

Tales from Outside the Classroom: One thousand times two!: It's been a full week since I've posted and this might be the world's longest post! I've been spending so much time at work lately. I feel...
The Hive: 200 Follower Giveaway: I can't believe I have 200 followers I started this blog about 2 years ago and quit about after a month of doing it. I just didn't have t...
Sparkling In Third Grade: New Blog GIVEAWAY: Since this is a new blog and I don't know very many people yet, I thought I'd do a GIVEAWAY!!! Please share and pin if you are willing.... ...

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