
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Oh boy! SIT Meeting and Data and some giveaways

Well..................I am so exhausted and tired from our SIT meeting today. We have to meet at least 1 time a month and discuss the data from our grade level assessments. Do you all do that? Our SIT plan is rewritten every 3 years and I feel like I have been on SIT every single time it has to be rewritten! LOL, I want off!

We have decided to focus our data for the SIT plan on the percentage of students who know/recognize their capital and lowercase letters and sight words. We have improved since the first 9 weeks. This is a good thing, but we still have more work to do! Some of my sweet babies are so immature this year and I know for a fact they are going to struggle in first grade next year. So, I have already began the RTI process and moving to different tier levels for them to try different/more strategies to help them and show improvement. However, some have not improved yet! I will be having conferences beginning tomorrow through next week with some parents that I am truly concerned about their child. Gosh, this time of the year is so stressful! Is anyone else feeling like this? I hope I am not in just a "slump"! It can't be because we haven't had a break-this is our first FULL 5 day week since Christmas break! Okay, enough rambling! Be sure to check out the two giveaways I have posted below! Don't forget to enter my giveaway-I have 3 great items!

Heather from Heather's Heart is having a great giveaway! It ends Feb. 10 so be sure to check it out!

Kelley from Buggy for Second Grade is celebrating having 200 followers! Congrats Kelley from Kelly! (I never liked my name growing up, did you?) This giveaway ends Sunday!

Lauryn is giving away her Valentine's TpT unit! Head on over to Paste & Pearls to check out her great giveaway!

Amy from The Resourceful Room is giving away some fabulous prizes! She has 300 followers to celebrate! You don't want to miss it so head on over!

Tanya from Ms. Solano's Kindergarten is having a give away to celebrate her 40th birthday! Happy Birthday Tanya! I celebrated my 40th birthday last December and it wasn't near as bad for me as turning 30 was....................LOL!

To celebrate having 100 followers, Ms. B is giving away an item from her store to 3 winners~check it out!

1 comment:

I love reading your comments! I should have the word verification thingy turned off. Please let me know if it is not. Thanks!